World Chess Champion

Gary Kasparov has retained his title as world chess champion .
Even though a computer beat the world chess champion , people still enjoy and play the that game .
How long it will be before the world chess champion is a computer is anyone 's guess .
Russian opposition leader and former world chess champion Garry Kasparov has abandoned his bid to run for president .
In 1997 , IBM 's Deep Blue supercomputer beat Garry Kasparov , the then world chess champion .
Garry Kasparov , the then world chess champion , was beaten by IBM 's supercomputer , Deep Blue .
Newly crowned Norwegian world chess champion Magnus Carlsen took just nine moves to checkmate Bill Gates in a speed game to be aired later on Friday .
Magnus Carlsen 's triumph over Viswanathan Anand on Sunday allowed the 23-year-old Norwegian to retain his crown as world chess champion .
During the fourth game in the Philadelphia series , international chess master and Vice-President of the International Computer Chess Association David Levy compared the style of the computer to that of a former world chess champion , Bobby Fischer of the United states .